Message from Cikgu Ismail Tengah, 13 May

Message from Cikgu Ismail Tengah, 13 May

"Hari mendatang penuh cabaran. Pelatih tinggal 350, dah balik sebagai pelajar 50 pelatih. Semua ok tapi. Lemah fizikal. Jaga diri. Amin"

Translated into english-

"The coming days full of challenge. Trainees left only 350, already back as students 50. Everthing going to be right but. Physical weakness. Take care. Amin"


2 Responses to "Message from Cikgu Ismail Tengah, 13 May"

CY FONG said... May 17, 2008 at 2:09 PM

wat is the meaning?He mean our kump?
u stil keep contact wif teachers?
seems lot of question..hahha///

Unknown said... May 29, 2008 at 1:11 AM

yup of course...
at least once in two weeks...

Update your blog
