Next year - Are you chosen?

I'm not talking to those already went to the camp, but to the next generation...

Check now through the website of SMS:
NS [IC Number] and send to 33995

If you get message starting with "Congratulation!...." That's good.
We're here to consult you...


1 Response to "Next year - Are you chosen?"

nima said... August 18, 2008 at 8:56 PM

Hmm.. rilek je sape yg dapat..
x yah pikir bukan2..
yg penting, tetapkan pendirian kite walau kat mana kite ada..
anggap je tempat tu tempat utk kite knal dunia luar, perbaiki diri, tempat utk + pngalaman, tempat utk + mrkh koku n yg plg menarik.. + duit poket.. huhu.. rm450+rm100(spm-9A ke atas) skrg pikir cmne nak score spm dulu.. huhu..
Anyway, all the best keyh!!
Actually, when i knew that i have to go to the ns, i really...hmm.. mcm nak nangis pon ada gaks.. but, I try to be strong. Juz think that there was sumtg that Allah had prepared for us behind all of this.. huhu..

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